December 6th

Happy Final Space Friday! BIG UPDATE! We're working right now on zazzing as many pages as we can before I run out of time. We were and are moving at such break neck speeds that some Parts just need a little more love to really sell the emotions and writing in the panels. Daz is finishing his pass on Part 7, it's looks SOOO GOOD! The foundation Noah did is killer and with this pass it is such a strong Part to the novel. Couldn't be happier with that Part. We added two more pages too to 7 just to sit on a couple moments a bit longer. On Monday Daz moves to Part 5 to do his zazz inking pass, this part needs some love manly on the acting and matching the style to Daz. Part 5 was a tough one, even more so because it leads into the massive Part 6 which is a direct continuation from the events of 5. So there is no jump to a different story. I don't want it to be jarring or for people to be taken out of the story because it looks a bit different. After that, if we HAVE TIME...Daz will zazz a few pages in Part 4.
Lettering is about done, we had to re-write a couple of lines in Part 7 because "less is more" we have too many lines on a few pages and it just felt like it was overloading the page. I think it sings really well now. Good session learned there. We're starting to put the pieces together but more importantly we now have to see how everything lines up, aka the double pages we have through out. I didn't know this but ALL double pages need to start on a odd number so it lines up. I know, I just have never done this before so I have to make sure everything lines up. So this weekend, Seth and I will print out every single page and put it in a binder to the order of the book. It will be cool to see it all in one thing even if it's a binder. I'll be sending out probably some rough test readers even if it's in a binder end of this year. Just to get eyes on it and any last fixes before it's in the binding of a book. The order for the Black and White novels I'm hoping will be placed end of this year. These will ship out first. The color is still in works so there is still time, even past the cut off for pre-orders, that mayyyy get pushed but either way you have a little more time to pre-order on the colored copies. PARTS, 5,7,8 all need to be colored and that's close to 200 pages. That will bleed into next year. But holy crap we are getting there. Well over 500 pages. Stress levels are at maximum. I'll be working through the holidays this year. I'll rest when this is done with. Onwards!

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