February 9th
Happy Final Space Friday!
I am currently writing the 1st chapter of the novel; I have about nine pages so far. I am excited about this! I got some of the last recap pages from @daztibbles ; he'll be officially done with all the recap/previous pages by tomorrow.
We did it! We cataloged a piece of lost media! Also ignore the lettering that will change it's just a place holder. Those pages are from KVN's perspective after Kevin Van Newton dies in Season 3. Now Noah has started on the first cold open to the first chapter, and I'll be giving Daz pages to start on the main story this weekend. We're running a tad behind on my timeline, but not too bad; the previously on pages were basically splash pages for every page. It was bonkers the things that Daz did. Val is also about to be done coloring all the pages that are done so far. Overall, we are making solid progress and are figuring out how to keep everything moving. I think once we get in the swing of things, the pace will pick up big time. As always more soon!