Final Space Friday April 28th

Hey everyone! Final Space Fridays are BACK! This update is the first of many updates I will be giving EVERY FRIDAY.

You'll be able to read, what we're doing, where we're at in the process, and exciting developments on all the Final Space social media accounts. also, I added an updates "blog" section to I'm absolutely blown away but the support of this project! I can't thank all of you enough!

So we beat our goal; so where is the project at after week one?

In the past 72 hours, I've started building the creative team behind the project, but I've also reached out to graphic novel publishers like IDW just to pick their brains. I've also learned a ton and have more calls set with people who do this daily.

For the first time in two years, I've started to think about the ending to the Final Space, not with a sense of sadness but with a sense of excitement. We set out with the show to defy expectations with an animation show, and I aim to do the same with this graphic novel. I've officially decided I'm going to add a written "Previously On" section that includes new art that recaptures big story points at the beginning of the book to recap everything but to have documentation of the story that got erased. By the time this comes out, the show will be gone everywhere, including Netflix International, and this will be the last piece that cannot be erased. We started writing this; this will also be a cool way to build a design language for the book. Daz did a great job of staying on the TV show model but also breaking from it for the cover, and I want to keep that style for this.

This got me thinking of structuring this novel like a season of TV, meaning breaking it up into chapters. Many graphic novels do it this way; some don't; I want to do this for a few reasons. First, it's how all of you watched the show, and I was to re-create that feeling in this new format. This will also help the story tell such a massive story with so many characters; it gives me the ability to jump around to different characters and locations to spotlight certain storylines in specific chapters. And lastly, it will help the production side, hiring multiple teams and doing a waterfall budget and schedule like a season animation.

I've also started to think of ideas to follow the guidelines set up by Warner but bends and doesn't break the rules so as many people as possible can see the ending; I have a big idea on this but for the sake of getting a "no" I'm going to save announcing it. We were also thinking of ways to make this as interactive as possible; I'll explain more later, but it involves sound, maybe music? Maybe not, and QR codes but no voices. I'm working on this, give me some time to come up with some solutions. 

The success of the pre-order is allowing me to hire multiple teams that will help me tackle such a big story in a short amount of time. Like I said, I'm hitting the ground running on this, and there is so much that still needs to be figured out, but now I can figure it out. This is the first of many updates. Lots more to come, and again thank you for all the support on this new adventure! I'm excited to defy expectations!


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