October 25th
Happy Final Space Friday!
A couple of cryptic pages for your eyes. So lots of progress, the big hurdle is the coloring still, were making progress but it's still the slowest part of this.
I'm having to juggle a few different artist to different spots to fix a few pages that aren't matching exact. I'm decided to keep three colorist that are fast and deliver the level of quality I'm looking for. Sadly I'm going to have to let go of two colorist because of the speed/quality isn't up to the levels that have already been set. Never a fun thing to do but it's more work to go back and fix things at this point. I'm going to have Jose Jaro the colorist who's been doing the trippy aura colors I've been posting to do a pass on a few pages to enhance the color in a couple chapters. I feel like some pages could be plused. He's been doing something really cool with effects, adding glints, highlights, reflections, glows in his coloring that's so unique and has brought up every page he's touched. Now, even in the inking we have to do a small correction pass to make sure the characters are on model so it's not distracting while you read it. This one isn't a huge problem, for the most part everything has been on point besides a few weird looking faces. Same thing happened in animation funny enough. I think it's more of a me thing, like if Gary doesn't look like Gary it drives me crazy lol Anyways, Daz is still on the last chapter, Noah is wrapped for the most part, done with Part 7 and Chiara is done with Part 5. I still own them a few notes but trying get the coloring situation back in order. (wipes sweat off forehead)
Onwards! -Olan