September 29th
Happy Final Space Friday!
Got lots of stuff to show off! First is a concept pass on Avocato and Little Cato during this potential five-year-jump (by Noah Ruff)
Now, keep in mind with all concept art, this is an exploring phase where we throw lots of ideas out there to see what we like.
For Avocato, I loved the idea of a banished Bounty Hunter who's reverted to his old ways when Gary first met Avocato. He's become nomadic, wandering around star systems. Noah added some lovely details of having a little lock of Little Cato's hair and even a piece of Little Cato's shirt tied to his belt.
There was another nice detail Noah added with these energy claws as a Ventrexian weapon; being that they are "cats" it's an excellent idea to explore weapons that are Ventrexian-unique.
I wanted to explore the idea of a Warrior King for Little Cato, almost like Aragorn in Lord of the Rings: Return of The King. I also love continuing down this path of a kid forced to grow up too soon; finding this young man carrying the mantle of King of Ventrexia was always a part of the plan.
Das @daztibbles, turn in four new pages for the Battle of Earth in Season 1 that are SO GOOD! I love how much he's improved from when we started to now. He's never done a graphic novel before, and seeing how he interrupts these pages is so impressive. We're zeroing in on the last couple of pages for the Season 1 recap, and that will be done this weekend.
After that, we will do some housework with the files to get our colorist started on what's left to color on the Season 1 recap, and then we're off to Season 2. I will keep Season 2 short but fun and, in typical Final Space fashion, undercut certain things with comedy. It's important to own the wrinkles of the show but focus on what worked. I found myself laughing quite hard at the S2 recap.
I also hired our first colorist, Valerie Alluro. After much testing, he started zeroing in on the polish we were looking for. I'm very close to hiring two more.
After I lock in our colorist, it's time to move on to another inker, which might be the hardest find because what Daz is doing is special, but I believe it's possible to find another super-talented inkier it's just going to be hard.
I'm also doing updates to I'll be adding more things to the site as I go, like a roadmap, a potential timeline, and hopefully, a progress bar so you can see where we are at. I also added a stock of over 5,000 copies. I DON'T KNOW HOW LONG THAT WILL LAST. The goal with all of this is to make sure my investors, "all of you," know exactly what's going on and we continue on this journey. We're making something special!
And to answer the number one question: Yes, the novel will be available for pre-order until I place the manufacturing order; once I place the order, besides a small amount of stock, that WILL BE IT. Pre-ordering ensures you got a copy; if you've pre-ordered, you got a copy! Once all the art is done! I'm going to give a ONE-MONTH cutoff before I place the order. This will likely be next year.
Whew! Making lots of progress! Onwards!