August 11th

Happy Final Space Friday.
We're making a lot of progress and are about to finish the inking for the "Season One Previously On" Season 2 is much shorter, and Season Three isn't too bad, so we're on track to start The Final Chapter this year; it's going to take a while but as you can see I want this to be special.

I talked to Daz yesterday, and we're really locking into our game plan for The Final Chapter. One is hiring a concept artist to work on character concepts and backgrounds, so I'm hunting for that. I was going to get Daz to do it, but he's maxed out right now, and having something to go off of will help him.

As always, onwards! Next week we're taking the battle for Earth in Season 1. Those will be some fun pages to show off. I'm also debating if I should do a hard cap on the graphic novels at 30,000 copies. Or at least for the signed ones, haha my hand hurts thinking about signing all of these, but I'm excited to do it! That gives a lot of runway for anyone wanting to get the novel before I place the order. We'll see, but anyways have a great weekend!


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