October 4th

Happy Final Space Friday! Sorry for being so late, I'm very sick. I just emerged from a fever dream and realized I haven't updated yet. So currently I have five colorist coloring at the same time haha insane. It's coming together on the coloring front, still the slowest part but multiple chapters are being colored at the same time all the way up to Part 6 and that chapter alone with have two colorist doing it since it's so big. Daz
@daztibbles sent the first 8 pages to PART 8 and they look great!



and Noah and pretty much done with Part's 5 & 7. Just need to review the pages and spotlight any notes. So as I wait for colored pages, I'm signing book stickers and writing a prologue. Adding some colored pages from the Ash chapter. Still lots to do but were slowly checking the boxes off of things that are completed, and that gives us a small window to improve anything we can. Alright back to bed for me.

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