Sept. 22

Happy Final Space Friday! Lots to update! There is NEW concept art for Gary, NEW pages done by @daztibbles, and lots of color testing happening. So, let's start with the fun stuff; I got some new concepts for Gary during this five-year-jump, and I'm digging these a lot more for Gary.

It's a good jumping-off point, and it keeps the color palette of Gary. Hearing Noah Ruff (concept artist) talk about the story ideas behind each concept was fun. Things add that extra detail, like the subtle grey on the side of the hair to nod to John Goodspeed, a new arm that Biskit may have had to repair many times or even the goggles of Clarence. And it's hard to see but a mooncake patch on the cape of "B" to remember his friend. The concepts artist is working on the next character while I stew on these Gary designs. That character will be Lil Cato; what does he look like during this five-year-jump?


We're on the last pages of the Season 1 recap and should be done by the end of the month. The new pages from Daz are really fun! Just a slow clap for this guy! He's killing it!

I've also been testing colorists and have zeroed in on three, so now I'm giving them a few more pages to test before I make my selection. This is fun! I can't wait to keep pushing forward!


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